Presentation about food localization efforts at Oberlin in conjunction with the Oberlin Project, a community-wide effort to transition to a post-fossil-fuel economy. Presented at the annual conference for the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) in March of 2012.
Resources tagged as 'oberlin'
Report from grant funded by the Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF) in 2006 that explores several approches to promoting community composting in Oberlin. Includes profile of collaboration with Will Allen from Growing Power in Miwaukee, a detailed description of on-farm vermicomposting of food waste, and distributed applications of composting to urban agriculture in Cleveland.
Proposal for in-vessel composting system for Oberlin College from 2003, as presented in Environmental Studies Honors Thesis at Oberlin College. Written by Lucian Eisenhauer in 2003.
Original local foods study for the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association conducted in 1988.
Original local food program development propoosal for Oberlin College's Campus Dining Services in 1988.
Feasibility study and plan for development of commercial community kitchen incubator for the Oberlin community. Conducted by Oberlin College students in 2007.
Building a Sustainable Regional Food System for Northeast Ohio
Final Report of Conference Proceedings
November 9-10, 2001 Oberlin, Ohio
Compiled by Brad Masi, Executive Director
Ecological Design Innovation Center
December 15, 2001