Welcome to the Northeast Ohio Food Web


During the summer of 2015, NEOFoodWeb.org is facilitating a series of networking events and a survey and network
mapping process to determine avenues and directions for increased regional collaboration around the growth
of the local food economy. To learn more and join this effort, click here.


For the Love of Food is a feature-length documentary film that explore the growing local food web
in Oberlin. Click here to see the film which documents the past,
present, and future of local foods in the small college town of Oberlin.


Click here to check out an interactive site that reviews a variety of options for communities to consider for linking
food waste and composting to growth of local food systems. Includes everything from large-scale, commercial
facilties to smaller-scale urban or backyard applicaitons.

A Compost Summit held on April 21st in Oberlin drew together interested stakeholders from the community to
determine which options make the most sense for Oberlin. Check in again soon for next steps and actions.

25% SHIFT Food Localization Study for Northeast Ohio Availavble:

THE 25% SHIFT: The Benefits of Food Localization for Northeast Ohio & How to Realize Them — a summary of the Northeast Ohio Local Food System Assessment and Plan — is now available.

Check out a shorter (25 page) summary of the Assessment or read the full report.

Also: check out an op-ed by Brent Larkin (Cleveland Plain Dealer) about the Northeast Ohio Local Food Assessment and Plan, and a Plain Dealer article about the assessment.

Help us grow the NEO food system!

Join an Affinity Group to participate in the Assessment

More about Affinity Groups  •  List of Groups
•  Register and Join

  • Participate in surveys and online discussions.
  • Gain exclusive access to the Assessment’s preliminary findings.
  • Respond to reports from the consulting team and other NEO Food Web members.

Welcome to the Northeast Ohio Food Web — an information clearning house for individuals, organizations, agencies,
or enterprises interested in growing the local food economy of Northeast Ohio. NEOFoodWeb.org began in 2010
as a part of the 25% Shift study which looked at the potential regional economic benefits of moving
toward 25% localization of the regional food supply.